
This is what faith looks like...

After a year of essays, a (re)new(ed) era has begun!

Hullo! I wanted to take a step back and first of all say a huge THANK YOU for reading and subscribing to my weekly essays here on Substack. I’ve appreciated all the encouraging emails you’ve sent me and the conversations that have come as a result.

I recorded this video in 2020 with my good friend Valerie Jeannis, in time for the launch of my first book, Still Standing - 100 Lessons From an ‘Unsuccessful’ Life. To help promote it, I started an Instagram Live series, commencing with what ended up being the most popular: Conversations with my Ex! and other conversations around the themes in my book. This is a snippet from one of the most important lessons in healing after my daughter Annie died shortly after birth.

Moving house, cancer treatment and moving again put a pause in that but I’m now bringing IG Lives back to my account @ChristCoutureGirl and I’ll be sharing snippets here on Substack so you can watch them in your own time - you’re welcome ;)

But don’t worry! I’ll still be spamming your inboxes with weekly essays and they’ll resume as normal next week. In the meantime, head over to my IG to catch up on the original series of IG Lives before the new season begins!

Doll x

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